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Coinremitter’s Crypto API?
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const Coinremitter = require('coinremitter-api'); const BtcWallet = new Coinremitter('WALLET_API_KEY', 'WALLET_PASSWORD'); const param = { label: "order5" }; const address = await BtcWallet.createAddress(param); console.log("New address : ", address);
$ node index.js New address : { success: true, data: { wallet_id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', wallet_name: 'BTCWallet', coin: 'Bitcoin', coin_symbol: 'BTC', address: 'bc1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', label: 'order_5', qr_code: 'https://qr_code.com/qr?margin=1&size=200&text=bc1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' } }
const Coinremitter = require('coinremitter-api'); const BtcWallet = new Coinremitter('WALLET_API_KEY', 'WALLET_API_PASSWORD'); const param = { amount: 100, name: 'Jyorge', // optional fiat_currency: 'EUR', // optional expiry_time_in_minutes: 10, // optional notify_url: 'https://yourdomain.com/notify-url', // optional success_url: 'https://yourdomain.com/thank-you-page', // optional fail_url: 'https://yourdomain.com/order-fail-page', // optional description: 'My Order Description', // optional custom_data1: 'user_25', // optional custom_data2: 'order_136', // optional }; const Invoice = await BtcWallet.createInvoice(param); console.log("Invoice : ", Invoice);
$ node index.js Invoice : { success: true, data: { id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', invoice_id: 'BTCWallet', url: 'https://coinremitter.com/invoice/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', total_amount: { BTC: '0.00039527', USD: '1.08', EUR: '1.00' }, paid_amount: { BTC: '0.00000000', USD: '0.00', EUR: '0.00' }, usd_amount: 'order_5', qr_code: '1.08' conversion_rate: { USD_BTC: '0.00036523', BTC_USD: '2737.98000000', BTC_EUR: '2529.89352000', EUR_BTC: '0.00039527', EUR_USD: '1.08225108', USD_EUR: '0.92400000' }, base_currency: 'EUR', coin: 'Bitcoin', coin_symbol: 'BTC', name: 'Jyorge', description: 'Order 100', wallet_name: 'BTCWallet', wallet_id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', address: 'bc1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', status: 'Pending', status_code: 0, success_url: '', fail_url: '', notify_url: '', expire_on: '2024-09-21 08:21:19', expire_on_timestamp: 1726906879000, invoice_date: '2024-09-21T08:11:19.767Z', custom_data1: 'Custom data', custom_data2: 'Custom data', invoice_timestamp: 1726906279000, delete_after: '2025-03-20 08:11:19', delete_after_timestamp: 1742458279000, } }
const Coinremitter = require('coinremitter-api'); const BtcWallet = new Coinremitter('WALLET_API_KEY', 'WALLET_API_PASSWORD'); const param = { address: 'bc1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'}; const res = await BtcWallet.getTransactionByAddress(param); console.log("Address transactions : ", res);
$ node index.js Address transactions : { success: true, data: { coin: 'Bitcoin', coin_symbol: 'BTC', wallet_name: 'BTCxxxxxx', wallet_id: 'xxxxxx0267bbb60a1xxxxxx', address: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx4d7171c8cdfa1736dbxxxxxxxxxxxx', expire_on: '2025-03-19 04:08:21', expire_on_timestamp: '1742357301000', type: 'wallet', label: 'order5', invoice_id: '' transaction: [ { id: 'xxxxfb563bf59c89fb56xxxx', txid: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx13ac2f0b2b3fe16c16521414e1091741b23d3f1ac5xxxxxxxxxxxxx', confirmations: '23788', status: 'Confirmed', explorer_url: 'https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/transactions/btc/fc4a35b35021d8b499ac58d89001ea84d35b827e4f6c19c695b60670893fd5bf', type: 'receive', amount: '1.00000000', date: '2024-09-20T04:34:30.661Z', transaction_timestamp: '1726806870000' } ] } }
const express = require('express'); const multer = require('multer'); const upload = multer(); const app = express(); app.post('/coinremitter-webook', upload.none(), function (req, res) { console.log("Webhook Data", req.body); res.send('Okey !!'); }) console.log("Server Started. Waiting for webhook data..."); app.listen(3000);
$ node app.js Server Started. Waiting for webhook data... Webhook Data { id: '66cffba2b6ac3e0014XXXXXX', txid: '6928xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxeaa', explorer_url: 'https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/transactions/btc/6928xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxeaa?from=coinremitter', merchant_id: '66bc954dfed2a6e967XXXXXX', type: 'receive', coin_short_name: 'BTC', wallet_id: '66c86dcfa3ad871b31XXXXXX', wallet_name: 'BTC-Wallet', address_label: '', address: 'bc1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', amount: '0.01', confirmations: 20, date: '2024-08-29T04:40:02.676000Z' }
Crypto Payment Integration with API
Can't use our crypto payment plugins? Don't worry! You can still accept crypto payments on your website by integrating Coinremitter's crypto API easily and quickly.
Get StartedExplore our various crypto APIs and find a suitable one for you.
Follow the integration process to equip your website with crypto payments.
Accept crypto payments on your website with our amazing response time.
Crypto API FAQs
You must have the API key and password to use Coinremitter’s crypto payment API to use mandatory APIs. You can enter & submit the API key and password with some other details depending upon the API to be used.
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You can get the API Key and password from a wallet’s credential tab. Read this to know the entire process to get wallet credentials.
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The maximum limit of API requests per minute is 100 per minute. However, merchants can extend it to 500 per minute by purchasing Coinremitter’s premium plan.
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If you face trouble integrating Coinremitter’s API, then you can contact our support team at [email protected] to request integration support.
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If your website supports Coinremitter’s plugins then you can skip APIs. If not, then you have to rely on crypto APIs to accept crypto payments on your website.
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If you think that your API credentials have been exposed, then you can log into your Coinremitter account and disable API withdrawals from the ‘credential’ tab of the respective wallet.

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